Bagaimana Menyiapkan POTATO DONUTS Yang Menggugah Selera

Cara Membuat POTATO DONUTS. Potato Donuts: These are not traditional donuts, they are salty. They are crunchy from outside and soft from inside. It is a deep frying recipe.

POTATO DONUTS Whenever I make baked potatoes, I always have leftovers. I heard a rumor that you could use them to make Mashed Potato Donuts - it was so simple, I couldn't believe it! Why waste your leftover mashed potatoes when you can make these mashed potato donuts instead? Bunda dapat memasak POTATO DONUTS menggunakan 9 bahan dan 13 langkah. Berikut ini cara untuk memasaknya.

Bahan-bahan untuk POTATO DONUTS

  1. Ambil 250 gr tepung terigu protein sedang.
  2. Ambil 100 gr kentang (kukus).
  3. Tambahkan 2 sdm susu bubuk.
  4. Siapkan 2 sdm gula pasir.
  5. Tambahkan 1 sdm ragi instan.
  6. Ambil 1 kuning telur.
  7. Ambil 80 ml air hangat.
  8. Siapkan 2 sdm margarin.
  9. Tambahkan 1/4 sdt garam.

The milk, butter, and salt in your mashed potatoes makes these donuts even tastier. Spudnuts, or mashed potato donuts, are a fun twist on the classic donut recipe. I finally gave one of the potato donuts a shot, though. And, well, here I am making and sharing my own version with you.

Langkah-langkah Memasak POTATO DONUTS

  1. Pertama tama siapkan wadah....Sebelum siapkan wadah kita kukus kentang dulu ya gaisss jangan lupa 🤣🤣🤣🤣....
  2. Masukkan tepung terigu,susu bubuk,gula pasir,kentang,telur,ragi instan dan air..
  3. Uleni adonan sampai kalis..
  4. Kalau sudah kalis masukkan garam dan mentega..
  5. Uleni adonan sampai kalis lagi ya gaisss.
  6. Kalau sudah kalis kita bagi menjadi 20 biji ya gaisss kita bentuk lingkaran aja..
  7. Lalu diamkan selama 10 menit dulu ya gaisss.Kita tutup adonan mengunakan plastik wrab..
  8. Habis kita diamkan selama 10 menit kita bentuk adonan itu dengan menggunakan spuit.Kita bentuk adonan sampai habis ya gaisss..
  9. Kalau sudah selesai bentuk donat nya kita diamkan lagi selama 1 jam menggunakan plastik wrab.Jika sudah 1 jam kita buka deh plastik wrab nya..
  10. Setelah itu kita goreng deh...Kalau udah kuning keemasan kita angkat dan tiriskan..
  11. Lalu kita kasih topping deh sesuai selera ya gaisss....
  12. Don't forget to comment in the comments column guys and don't forget to follow me guys.....bye..
  13. GOOD LUCK❤️❤️❤️....

These donuts are soft and fluffy, give them a try. Watch how to make yeasted sweet potato donuts in the Super simple straight forward recipe of soft and fluffy sweet potato donuts. Making fried doughnuts is not as hard as you might think! This Spudnuts recipe I am sharing with you today is really easy and super delicious. These chocolate potato donuts are a delicious breakfast or snack that you can feel good about eating.
